The Covid 19 pandemic has affected education in many ways, but one change that has affected students globally is the use of remote learning. Remote learning is not something new, it has been in use for many years for students who can not attend to their classes; due to illnesses, other jobs, family decisions, etc. Remote learning was something opcional and not very common, but during this pandemic it became much more important as it was the only save way to offer classes to the students while protecting them from the virus. The jump from presencial classes to remote affected students all over the world, it affected their studies, their social life, their mental health, and in some cases they were not able to attend to any remote learning at all.

To understand remote learning we have to understand what differences it has from in person learning and what effects it has on students. The transition includes losing all in person social interactions with other people, spend hours in front of a screen, losing support from friends or teachers, etc. This effects would be for a part of the students but the worst cases are when the students home is not safe, when they have no wii connection or they are not able to find a space for them. In case of refugee camps numbers exposes the situation, 370 million children are facing food insecurity”and “Instead of experiencing a safe environment at school, children and youth are more vulnerable to sexual and gender-based violence and abuse at home.(COVID-19: UN and Partners Work)
