This article talks about how COVID-19 is affecting gender inequality in the world, and, particularly, how women are being placed in dangerous financial, mental, and physical positions. Many women, affected by domestic violence, which has been increasing during the pandemic, have been unable to go to work and, subsequently, have had to shelter in place. This article also suggests that women are doing unpaid work in nursing positions and goes on to say that women, around the world, will be paid disproportionately. The article is filled with statistics regarding the existing gender inequalities and how, during a global pandemic, they are even more of a threat. Women earn less, are more likely to be unemployed, can therefore save less money, and tend to hold less secure jobs than men. Women are less likely to have access to health resources during a pandemic and their reproductive and maternal health resources are being threatened. In both Latin America and the Caribbean, 18 million women will lose access to contraceptives during the coronavirus. Girls are also going to be less likely to receive access to education and will could lose their ability to become literate in the future. Women are more likely to be exposed to the virus in jobs where they are overly exposed to other people and possibly not properly equipped to protect themselves. Women will also often take on homeschooling of their children as well as be the one who does household chores. Finally, women are being left out of conversations that will help protect them in the future and keep them safe. Politicians are making decisions about health and not taking women’s needs and opinions into consideration.
