Elsevier, a world-renowned research and analytics company, recently published an article about the global efforts to combat the coronavirus through the development of a reliable vaccine. By the agency of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturers Network (DCVMN), several countries have begun to reallocate funding into the rapid research and manufacture of vaccines. Although many of the vaccines are in clinical or preclinical trials at early stages, countries such as Brazil, Thailand, India, South Korea, China, and the U.S., among others, are pursuing a cure for COVID-19. Along with this is a global shift in training as many personnel as possible to aid in research and development. Per country, it is estimated “… that the cost of manufacturing hundreds of millions of doses of a single product will range from $50 million dollars for companies with existing facilities and trained personnel, to about $700 million dollars for those starting from scratch” (Pagliusi). In such a fast-paced effort, there are sure to be many difficulties associated with supply regulations by exporting and importing vaccines, as well as documenting the effectiveness of vaccinating the public, all of which are directly related to the economic policy of a nation’s governing body.