During the pandemic, teachers have been supporting students, and, at the same time, maintaining their educational needs. They had to redesign classes for an online format, change assignments to ones that could be done from home without school resources, adjust goals based on the evolution of the class, and adapt to the overall pandemic situation as it pertains to non-classroom learning. These changes have resulted in some controversy due to parents and society judging the work of the teachers. This article discusses what it’s like being a teacher and all of the work involved. It explains the teachers’ point-of-view and what has to be taken into account in order to put a class in place that works for all of the students. This situation is complicated for everyone as students have different conditions at home. Additionally, what for one student takes 15 minutes could take another student an hour. Knowing all of the variables that need be accounted for by teachers is crucial to understanding the work they are doing. During the pandemic, teachers have done a lot more than expected and they have created a safe space for students.