Countries like New Zealand, lead by Jacinda Ardern, and Germany, lead by Angela Merkel, are 2 countries, lead by females, are perfect examples of how to properly manage a country during a pandemic crisis period. Just 10% of the sample set of 194 utilized for this article were female leaders. The article compared countries led by men and women, specifically their socio-demographic and economic characteristics, that have been seen as the most important things to affect the transmission of COVID-19. Additionally, the article compared GDP per capita, population, and population density to make sure the countries were as similar as possible to diminish confounding variables. One example of this comparison is in Hong Kong, led by a woman, the amount of cases was 1,056 v in Singapore, led by a man, and had 28,794 cases. Another example is Norway (woman led) with 8,257 cases v Ireland (man led) with 24,200 cases. This is a stark difference. This is because women-led countries like New Zealand & Germany locked down much more quickly and decisively than man-lead countries because women are more averse to risk than men. An example of this reaction to risk is Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro, who dismissed COVID initially as a “little fever or a little cold.” Women have “interpersonally-orientated” manners and tens to adapt to a more democratic and participative governing style with more clear communication styles. Ultimately, women led countries are doing better because women are much more proactive than men.
